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Laos Essential Artistry Posting Page
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Two days before we returned to the states Khao Pan Sa (the beginning of Buddhist lent or "rain retreat") was celebrated and we went to the wat closest to the Vayakorn Guest House where we stay in Vientiane, Wat Mixay. Below are several photos I took at the wat. The first is of Bai during tak bat. She's wearing a rainbow silk scarf we will be selling on our site woven by Weaves of Cambodia, a project overseen by Carol Cassidy and sold through her gallery. They're gorgeous and will make perfect Christmas gifts and now are currently only sold at the Guggenheim Museum here in the states. The other three photos are of monks that have been transferring all the offerings, including money, given during tak bat to a room in the temple where the money is counted. All the kanom (candy/cookies) and fruit are for the monks who may give some back to the lay people. The money is divided, each temple probably does this differently, setting aside a percentage for the temple and allocating the rest for the monks.

by: Laos Essential Artistry


Anonymous DDS Beaumont said...

That looks really an interesting and fascinating event in Laos. If given a chance, I would like to visit and have a wonderful experience there.

July 27, 2009 at 12:38 AM  
Blogger PeterLaos said...

Stay tuned as we will be putting together a two-week tour to Laos next June and will include updates here in our blog and on our website.

July 27, 2009 at 7:25 AM  

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