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Laos Essential Artistry Posting Page
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

When we go to Laos I always have the best intention of writing posts from Laos, but there seems so much else to do while we're in Laos, I think I will just wait until I return, and so I did...

The photo above is taken from our Lao Airlines plane as it left Vientiane for Bangkok and you can see the Mekong River below, with Laos on the left bank and Thailand on the right. The Don Chan Palace Hotel is the tallest building you can see right there on the banks of the Mekong towering over Vientiane at 14 stories! I've delineated the downtown area where we stay when we're in Vientiane, and where the airport is. I normally have my camera packed away when heading home, but glad I anticipated at least this one last shot of Laos and the mighty Mekong River. Several weeks ago it was half the size and quite low, but recent heavy rains in southern China and in northern Laos have swollen the river to its more "normal" size during the rainy season.

We had a great trip, an amazing trip and about twenty days was spent guiding Elli, the professor as she continues to research the ritual use of textiles, both Buddhist and shamanic, and the significance of the motifs used by weavers in the textiles. We spent over ten days in Huaphan Province, traveling to Sam Tai, Muang Vaen and Sop Hao and spending extended time in all these areas.

I took a lot of photos and video and will be including these in future posts which I think people should find interesting, and of course we picked up some more textiles to add to our online collection.

by: Laos Essential Artistry


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