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Laos Essential Artistry Posting Page
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Motifs in Lao textiles leave a lot to the imagination for both scholarly and "causal" minds. We're fascinated with motifs in Lao textiles and in the blog we'll occasionally post an image of a motif we would love to have others comment about.

What do you see here? Is it a naga boat carrying a strange ancestor figure to heaven - the boat seems to have legs, but aren't they just scales, and what about the funny appendage on the front. Is that a decorative tree limb (?), and the figure on the boat has a normal torso, but double legs. What could that mean?

Does it matter what kind of textile it is in helping determining the meaning of motifs? Does it matter if the textile is old or new?

We would love to hear your thoughts and you can always write a comment to this post which everyone can read and then maybe we'll get a conversation going? Or feel free to email us and we can post your comment anonymously. It's up to you!

And if you have a motif in a Laos textile you're not sure of then you can send us a photo of the motif and we can post it in our blog and see if we can get some insights into what it means...

by: Laos Essential Artistry


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