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Laos Essential Artistry Posting Page
Friday, August 15, 2008

Wow, the time has finally come to introduce Laos Essential Artistry to the world!

It’s definitely not a one-way street for us as we really want to develop and encourage conversations about Lao textiles and handicrafts and we’re very excited to be able to incorporate this blog into our Yahoo! Store. In our discussion of fair trade (under FAQ) we talk about wanting to develop “henjai” the ability to see into the heart, the Lao word for empathy. And through this blog we hope you can see into the heart of Laos Essential Artistry. That’s important to us.

There’s so much we want to include here, it’s just a matter of finding time. We will be including more in-depth stories about the textiles we carry, the weavers we know in Laos and about our travels. And since we’ve taken lots of photos and video in Laos, we’ll be integrating photos and videos into many of our posts. This will be a real multimedia blog. We hope this will help bring the Laos Essential Artistry canon to life.

We also want to include reviews of books and articles about Lao textiles and handicrafts, either by ourselves or others (if you’re interested let us know), updates on events that include or feature Lao textiles and handicrafts, commentary from Lao textile experts, etc.

We encourage people to leave comments and keep the dialog going. If you look through our website we hope it’s evident we’re very passionate about Laos and Lao weavers and artisans. But we’re not “experts,” and see our role more as facilitators and promoters, and through the blog we hope we can give voice to the experts so we can all learn more together.

And we would like this first blog to feature a photo of Bai’s sister, Bouasai, who just graduated from Dong Dok, the National University of Laos and who is a master weaver for Taykeo Textile Gallery. She is the young woman on the right, posing in front of That Luang with two of her cousins. It is our goal to get a visa for Bouasai to come to the United States next year so she can demonstrate Lao weaving. We have the loom, we just need Bouasai…

by: Laos Essential Artistry


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